The mission of the NRCC Threat Assessment Team (TAT) is to determine if any individual (or group of individuals) posses, or reasonably may pose, a threat of violence to self, others, or the college community. Furthermore, the TAT exists to intervene to avert the threat and maintain the safety of members of the college community. Working with the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), the TAT responds to behaviors exhibited by students, employees, and visitors to attempt to prevent violence on campus and/or at off-campus instruction sites such as the Christiansburg site.
Melissa Anderson
Interim Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Title IX Coordinator for
Peter Anderson
Vice President for Instruction and Student Services
Brian Bolling
Director of Technology Support Services
Tom Ciappina
Licensed Professional Counselor
Angie Covey
Executive Director, NRCC Educational Foundation
Ronnie Nichols
Facilities Services Manager
Fritz Streff
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Joey Williams
Coordinator of Emergency Response and Campus Security
Anthony Wilson
Former Chief of Police, Town of Blacksburg
Mike Worrell
Sheriff, Pulaski County